Monday 9 March 2009

Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run

We ran even though it was raining... umm I guess I cant mock those people anymore. Disappointing.

Monday 2 March 2009

Off Yer Bike!

Nicole and I ran yesterday evening. The first run in the long road to some semblance of fitness (for me anyway). While not the joyous experience I was hoping for and more of the tiring slog I was expecting i am pleasantly surprised at how not in pain I am.

So I'm hoping in the weeks to come the pain will stay away and the slog will become less so.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

On Yer Bike!

Well... I'm not as far advanced as Dave & Steph, failed to run yet again today, despite having an evil plan to do so! My Excuse this time was that it is pancake day so I HAD to have a couple and there was the excuse not to run.. Not sure where the excuse is, but it is there, if you look REALLY carefully, but don't blink or you'll miss it!!

Anyway successes this week - fixed bike, rode bike!

Today was my first ride into work in a long time, Bike failure and man flu have kept me out the saddle but as the man flu subsides so do my excuses. I felt I did ok, I didn't really push it, so took me about 25mins to do the 4.6 miles, if I remember right a "normal" time is about 20mins.

Right, so biking only the running to go, only a week 'n half behind Dave..


Steph and i ran thursday, saturday, monday. It's really good running as a pair since we encourage each other to get out the house. I'm now running in other shoes which is working much better than my trainers and will have to do until i get to a running shop. Our running is still on the 1st week schedule ie run 60 sec walk 90 as i would like this to feel easily accomlished before we move on. maybe end of next week?

Wednesday 18 February 2009

And then there were two

My feet seem better so i went for a run last night, Steph joined me which was really cool. She was happy to not be broken by it this morning so i think she might join me on this getting fit game, it would be really nice to have the company while running. My shoes and I however are definitely not friends, i think they just do not fit me properly so i have been doing them up extra tight to compensate which in turn gives other problems. I might go to an actual running shop where they can pick a pukka pair of shoes for me. I suspect this will result in a very expensive pair of ugly trainers, but i guess if they look after my feet then this project will be more likely to succeed

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Stupid boy!

So i was supposed to take it easy so i didn't put myself off, doh! Since i like things to be neat and the running plan is a weekly plan i thought i would run friday and sunday so that i could start "week 2" at the start of the second week. As i left the house on friday i realised that the back of my foot was a bit sore from my first run the day before so instead of giving it a rest i put a plaster on and carried on regardless, muppet. Now both feet have blisters and i am going to have to give it a rest for a bit although it has not stopped me going on 2 walks with Steph and Skankin' all sat night to a local Ska band.

Thursday 12 February 2009

First run

First run today! Thinking that i must restrain myself from running to long i thought i had done quite well untill i got home and realised i had done 5 mins more than i was supposed to. It felt tougher than i thought it would be but was still fairly easy and nothing hurts :)